On Waiting.

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I’m notorious for killing plants. Those that have had me house sit for them unfortunately know this all too well. 

So it was a curious thing that I felt compelled to peruse the Gardening Dept at Lowes today. I know nothing about plants, but spent more than an hour looking through the seed packets.

Maybe it’s boredom during quarantine, maybe I was looking to control something during a time when the world feels like chaos.

Either way, I grabbed a few packets to head out on my merry little way only to catch a glimpse of the line that said they wouldn’t bloom for 50-60 DAYS! I stopped dead in my tracks. What do you mean 50-60 days?! You mean I’m not going to start seeing the results in the next 2 weeks? Because thats kind of what I was shooting for here.

Instead, I once again had something asking me to wait longer than I wanted to.

And to be honest, I was annoyed with the idea of waiting on one more single thing. Seeing a pot of already blooming Impatiens on the shelf (ironic, eh?), I snapped them up and groaned to the Lord all my frustrations.

But the truth is, despite this current chaos, God has never changed.

He has always been faithful. Even in the waiting.

He was faithful to the Israelites as they waited for the Promised Land.

He was faithful when Jesus was waiting in the Garden of Gethsemane, despite knowing Crucifixion was what was next for His Son.

He was faithful as the Disciples waited for the promise that their Messiah was coming back again.

He’s been faithful in the waiting for His Creation to return to Him.

So if the Lord can be faithful in all of those moments, can I trust Him to be faithful here with me in my waiting?

In my waiting for this quarantine to end and life to get back to normal…

In my waiting for that dream to start...

Waiting for that prayer to finally be answered…

For healing to happen…

For family to find freedom…

Am I going to be patient and trust in my Father’s faithfulness?

That little lesson in the aisle of the Lowes Gardening Dept was humbling. 

So I decided to just take the little packet of seeds too...the one that’s going to take a really long time to bloom and I will plant them anyway. And I’ll let their roots tell the story of patience, of waiting and not being able to control the outcome but trusting in the faithfulness of my Father anyway.

I don’t know what it is that you might find yourself waiting on. 

But I’d encourage you to lean in, tell the Lord about all of those places, and then maybe pickup a packet of seeds to plant too.

So that hopefully, after 50-60 more days you’ll have a little front porch reminder that good things can come after waiting, and that you have a Father who is so for you.


Self Care for the Believer


With Love Written on Their Faces