Home Birth Essentials

Planning for your home birth may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be!

Around 30-32 weeks, we give all of our client’s a printed home birth supply list so that they can start gathering all their items ahead of time. I recommend gathering all of your supplies into one area, even better if you toss it all into a big storage tote! Place this tote in your birth area so it’s easily visible to your birth team - that way if things are moving quickly, they can just start grabbing what they need without having to play scavenger hunt around your home!

A Few Important Reminders

  1. Before you purchase anything, make sure you check with your midwife first to see if she has anything specific she suggests!

  2. The items linked below are typically recommended in addition to a “Birth Supply Kit”. These premade kits typically contain your disposable medical supplies (gloves, cord clamps, scissors, chux pads, etc). We have our clients purchase these kits from our favorite birth supply company, while other midwives may provide the kit for you! Ask your midwife if she has a birth kit for you to purchase! You will not see these disposable medical supplies in my Amazon list below for this reason.

  3. You may already own most of the items mentioned below, so if that’s the case - save your $$$! I’ll make a note next to the few items we suggest purchasing brand new. This list is merely meant to make it more convenient to browse and easily drop needed items in your cart!

I’ve also got a free printable checklist for you at the end of this post!

If you are planning a water birth, please include:

  • 1 SMALL size fish net (*this should be brand new)

  • Swimsuit top for mom to wear in tub; something easy to remove for skin to skin!

  • Lead free water hose and adapter (measure the distance from your hot water source to your pool and make sure you purchase enough hose! Avoid the “expandable hoses” as they cause a delay in filling the tub!)

Some other items you might consider!

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission from when you order. Read full privacy policy here.


Postpartum Mama Essentials