Ashley is a Licensed Midwife, living in Texas, who loves all things caffeine, people and words. When she’s not catching babies, you can find her listening, writing or telling the latest Netflix-documentary-worthy life story.
Or in therapy. Just depends on the day.
Photo Cred: Morgan Sessions Photography
Hey! Ashley here!
I’m your resident Enneagram 6w7 with an addiction to all things caffeinated.
However you’ve stumbled upon this corner of the internet world, I’m glad you’re here.
I'm not perfect...but I can promise to always strive for transparency & authenticity. And one way I can do that is through story telling. Not fairytales and fiction (although those are fun too!), but rather the everyday stories of our lives...the encounters, the adventures, and the lessons we learn along the way.
I can’t erase or change or redo the dark places in my life….but I do get to choose how the next chapter gets written...and that’s where this blog comes in.
I’ve grown to embrace my story for what it can do now - help other women who may find themselves in the same places. Every fragment of our lives- the good parts, and the not so good ones- are vital to our life story and I refuse to let my own hold me back.
My desire is to take that story, laced with God’s goodness in the midst of broken places and use it to help counsel, teach, love on and lead women to a victorious and free life. And to empower them to tell their own stories too.
So if you’re down for some #realtalk ...stick around...this should be fun. :)
- ashley